The Epic of Gilgamesh (Part 03)
 Comic Strip

The Epic of Gilgamesh (Part 03)

Publication Date: September 6, 2012

Chapter: The Invention Of Writing And The Earliest Literatures

There are two reasons why Molly is flipping Gilgamesh's gender here. First, I like drawing girls, and drawing a dude with a giant beard for eighty strips would wear really thin for me. Second, I like Molly, and I think the story of Gilgamesh will be inherently funnier with her in it.

Sidenote: I actually did research for period fashion here. Well, at least the basic cuts and styles. Color-wise, I'm just making it up, as we don't really have color pictures of that particular time period.

Author: Some Dude In Ancient Mesopotamia • Year: c. 1900 BC • Info: Wikipedia

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About The Comic

Lit Brick is a comic started by Jodie Troutman in an effort to read the entire Norton Anthology of English Literature. Having eventually succeeded in that goal, it now features comics about all manner of random literature. For more of Jodie's work, visit!

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