Don Quixote (2 of 3)
 Comic Strip

Don Quixote (2 of 3)

Publication Date: October 11, 2010

Chapter: Random Literature

And here's part two of three. As noted before, I'm running premium strips on Monday and Tuesday this week because three of them were commissioned on the same topic and I didn't want them split up in the archives.

This strip is less about "Don Quixote" and more like inspired by it. Early in the tome, the titular knight-errant recruits Sancho Panza to be his companion, with the promise that if Sancho hangs out with Don Quixote long enough, he'll get to be king of an island someday. This tells us two things: one, that Sancho Panza is a bit on the gullible side, but two, that in his society, peasants such as himself actually did have room for advancement. A few choice relationships could lead to yourself or your offspring becoming lords of something in Spain. This whole plan, of course, requires that the men you form relationships with be actually as great as they claim they are. Sancho comes to realize that he's never gonna advance in rank with Don Quixote, and Molly already knows that hanging out with Deirdre isn't gonna make her at all cooler.

Ultimately, however, the promise of social advancement and future rewards aren't what define friendship. Sancho remains loyal to Don Quixote until the day his master dies, and we've already seen that Molly lets this clearly insane woman crash at her apartment in the future. I think the nature of friendship in society is really one of Cervantes most profound and inspiring observations in what turns out to be an overly depressing book. But now I'm starting to sound a bit sappy, so I'll see ya tomorrow.

Author: Miguel de Cervantes • Year: 1605 • Info: Wikipedia

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About The Comic

Lit Brick is a comic started by Jodie Troutman in an effort to read the entire Norton Anthology of English Literature. Having eventually succeeded in that goal, it now features comics about all manner of random literature. For more of Jodie's work, visit!

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